The Valleys Conservation Project New Zealand
Protecting New Zealand Birdlife
Through Significant Yet Affordable Conservation Projects protecting birdlife against pests.

Anyone who spends time in the New Zealand bush knows how dreadfully quiet it has become. It is no news that our birdlife is in decline and many native species are on the brink of extinction – nor is it news that the Department of Conservation is not adequately funded for the Herculean tasks it faces.
There is a growing realisation amongst New Zealanders that we can’t just sit back and “let the government do it”. If we want to preserve our natural heritage, Kiwis have to get out there and help, and also to contribute financially.
Trapping Methods
The principle methodology for the VALLEYS PROJECT involves establishing lines of traps for stoats and rats along both sides of rivers at 100m intervals.
The VALLEYS PROJECT relies upon voluntary contributions from motivated people. In time, we hope these donations might be supplemented by government funding from projects with synergy.
Location & Costs
Our strategy is to establish trap lines adjacent to the Whio and Takahe protection areas west of Te Anau so they complement DOC’s existing conservation efforts.